Epping ForestDistrict Council
Civic Offices, High Street, Epping, Essex CM164BZ
Phone: 01992 564000 (Main switchboard)
Fax: 01992 578018
Website: http://www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/
EFDC Website Enquiries Tel: 01992 564240
Elections Tel: 01992 564023
Adaptations for the Disabled: Council Houses Tel: 01992 564052
Private Homes Tel: 01992 564092
Care and Repair (C.A.R.E.) Tel: 01992 564467
Careline Tel: 0208532 1065
Car Parks Tel: 01992 564462
Complaints Tel: 01992 564051
Councillors and Committees Tel: 01992 564244
Council Tax Tel: 01992 564188/9
Countrycare Tel: 01992 788203
Rev Andre Petrine Tel: 07723 026925
Day Clubs for Older People Tel: 020 8508 8715
Community Development Tel: 01992 564556
Residents' Associations Tel 01992 564524
Environmental Co-ordinator Tel: 01992 564357
Environmental Hearth Tel: 01992 564608
Trees - Landscape and Tree Preservation Tel: 01992 564117
Emergency Services Tel: 999
Essex Police non emergency (All Stations) Tel: 101
Essex Police non emergency Alternative Tel: 01245 491491
Flooding (out of hours) Tel: 01992 564000
Animal Welfare Tel: 01992 564153
Dangerous Waste Tel: 0870 850 6506
Flooding Tel: 01992 564608
Flooding (out of hours) Tel: 01992 564000
Ongar Surgery, Bansons Lane, Ongar Tel: 0870 414 0144
Dentist TS ORegan 204a, High St, Ongar Tel: 01277 362663
Food Safety Tel: 01992 564608
Ongar Leisure Centre Tel: 01277 363969
Sports Development Tel: 01992 5644567
Nuisance:EFDC Complaints Tel: 01992 564051
Blocked Drains Tel: 01992 564608
Dog Warden Tel: 01992 564077
Fraud Hotline Tel: 01992 564444
Graffiti Hotline Tel: 01992 564272
Pest Control Tel 01992 564608
Neighbourhood Nuisance Tel: 01992 564608
Noise Pollution Tel: 01992 564608
Dangerous Waste Tel: 0870 850 6506
Sewers Tel: 01992 564608
Planning Appeals Tel: 01992 564326
Planning Applications Tel: 01992 564584
Planning Enforcement Tel: 01992 564527
Building Regulations Tel: 01992 564141
Public Conveniences Tel: 020 8326 7750
Parking Office Tel: 01992 573240
Public Rights of Way Tel: 0845 603 7621
Rubbish Clearance Recycling and Refuse:
Rubbish Collections Tel: 01992 564608
Special Collections (Heavy Squad) Tel: 01992 564608
Wheelie Bin Enquiries Tel: 01992 564608
Skips (advice only) Tel: 0845 603 7621
Dangerous Waste Tel: 0870 850 6506
Abandoned Vehicles Tel: 01992 564608
Street Cleansing Tel: 01992 564608
Road Safety Tel: 0845 603 7621
Street Lighting Tel: 0845 603 7621
If you find a number is wrong, or has changed please let us know.
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